Thursday, February 14 I got a call from Justin at 5pm asking if I wanted to join him and Jordyn and Brent on a road trip to
I thought this was pretty cool, especially with graphics to help you understand the concept, but where is the “Suicide”? Back in grade school, when we went to the pool in the summer, we thought we were badass for asking for a Suicide at the concession stand. I thought this was a universal term, but for those of you don’t know, a suicide is a mix of every soda in the fountain machine. They were really good, but at some point in high school, I pretty much forgot about this drink altogether. I’m glad that Burger King is encouraging some creativity when it comes to pouring soda, but I really think they should bring back the Suicide putting it on their “recipe menu”.
Before going any further, I guess I should explain what Frostbike is. It is an annual trade show hosted by QBP – Quality Bicycle Products –one of the biggest bicycle components/parts/accessory distributors in the country. They are based in
Next stop of note was
Onward towards the Twin Cities. We arrived at the Sheraton in
After happy hour ended at 6pm, we got invited to a banquet dinner downtown, sponsored by Saris. We started off in a big white tent adjacent to the building, where they had finger food (snacks!) and an open bar featuring Summit Brewing Co.’s Extra Pale Ale, brewed in nearby
Dinner was nice; we had salad, bread, choice of entrĂ©e (I chose the squash ravioli… it was delicious), and fruit pie for dessert. We watched a few speeches given by people from Saris and the lovely Melanie McQuaid, all while Brent and I pounded down as many free beers as we could. Afterwards, we apparently tried to go to a party at One On One, but Jordyn couldn’t find parking and I was passed out in the backseat, so we headed to our lodging destination instead. We spent both nights at Justin & Alyssa’s friend Fiona’s house, only a couple miles from downtown.
Saturday morning we arrived at Frostbike bright and early, and helped ourselves to free donuts, coffee, and juice for breakfast. We browsed the vendor booths and the other three guys attended some dealer seminars while I took a tour of the building. Snack-wise, the coolest thing I found was the new energy and recovery drinks from Clif: a hot apple cider energy drink and a hot chocolate recovery drink. They had samples of the hot chocolate and it was really good. It makes perfect sense for folks like us who try to ride through the cold and snowy winters.
After a full day at the show, we came back to Fiona’s and met up with a few of her friends to ride downtown for dinner. We went to Pizza Luce for some tasty black bean/artichoke/green pepper pizza and pitchers of beer. Next we headed a few blocks over to One On One, where they were having another party. This "studio" is a bike shop, art gallery, and coffee shop all in one. Tons and tons of old (and new old stock) parts and bikes filled the basement, resembling a Freeze Thaw on steroids - if you can imagine such a place. Upstairs, they had a few kegs of
coffee bar and Steve Hed was showing off his fancy carbon fiber toys. The owner – Gene Oberpriller, a former pro racer – had a lot of crazy bikes on display, but the coolest was probably his Hutch/Hanebrink HPV. Eventually, people migrated out back on the loading dock, where there were stacks of mini-bikes, goofy bikes, and old cruisers. We started jumping them off the snow banks, but soon enough we were riding around in a derby, crashing into each other and dodging the drunk bar crowds walking through the alley. A Canadian in high heels who happened to be walking through the alley even joined in on the fun.
Sunday morning we stumbled into Frostbike around 10am, went to a couple seminars, filled up with lunch, and left around 2:30pm to get a head start back home. Turns out that was a good idea, because we hit a nasty snowstorm in
We tried to stop in
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